Tuesday, August 31, 2010

School Starts!!

Time has flown by and I haven't even finished my vacation pics.  Sorry about that.  I will have to share those another time.  It is time.  School begins tomorrow.  Happy and sad.  I have a hard time giving up my freedom but I do much better when I am on a schedule and doing something I feel passionate about. Not that the time I have had to do my own artwork hasn't been fulfilling, it's just with school I feel called to my work and maybe can make a difference in a child's life.  I started to take some pics of my middle school classroom.  Still have things that haven't found a home but for the most part this is what my room looks like in part.

This is the entrance to my classroom.  Bookcase by door will hold hand sanitizer, lotion,  sign out sheet and recycle box.

To the left of the entrance is my computer station.  This computer is used for student research.  I also have a scanner and my own color printer.  Want to put fabric across shelf to hide storage of ink, old art books for projects and drawing boards.  Under this are mesh boxes that hold my collection of bottle caps that the community has been saving for an art project.

This corner has an area rug for working on the floor.  The white bins are for student journals.  In my larger classes I also use these tables for seating.  Will show more close-up pics next time.

My desk is here with bookshelves against the wall.  As you can see I still have some organizing to do.

This is the bulletin board behind my desk.  It is divided up for different uses.  The area that has the map of North America is for 6th grade.

This is the other bulletin board on the same wall.  Between these two boards is one of my white boards.  May God bless all of you who have started or are starting your school year.  It is going to be an exciting year.

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