Sunday, December 5, 2010

Elementary Christmas Bulletin Boards

3rd Grade
This project is from deepspacesparkle.  
Love this and the kids really enjoyed the sponge painting.  

4th Grade
Students said this was their favorite art project ever.  Who wouldn't love to throw, spray, drip and sprinkle paint randomly?  We checked out Jackson Pollock and his action paintings.  I used this audio from MOMA to introduce Jackson Pollock.


  1. I've been wanting to do a Pollock project, but I just haven't had the nerve. Ha! Maybe this will inspire me.

  2. I've braved the Jackson Pollock projects many times, but the idea of using just the colors for Christmas is a really fun idea and would make life so much easier than wh at I did! COOL!

  3. LOVE the way you displayed all the poinsettias together like a wrapped package! And the Christmas themed Jackson Pollocks are so much fun too.
