Monday, April 30, 2012

After School Art Club Watercolor Paintings and Some Reflection

My current after school group consists of six 3rd and 4th graders. They are a pleasure to work with. We created these flower watercolor paintings in the style of Georgia O'Keefe.

 Monday morning, with no school! We have a "snow" day today. Trying to decide what I will accomplish on this extra day. Will be cooking for the week with my son this afternoon; making chicken marsala, beef stir fry, portobello mushrooms with peppers and onions and some type of red sauce for pasta.

 Spent some time with a friend last night and received some good advice on my life situation. I need to take care of myself which exercise is going to become a top priority and look for and enjoy the positive things each day.
I've been so down and need to re-focus. So, while I do some clean-up and cooking today I am going to find 3 things to enjoy!
I think I know one of the things I will enjoy - the outdoors! Going to check on my garden and maybe find some time to clean out one of the beds.

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