Friday, September 28, 2012

Elementary School Art Room

Finally took some pictures of the art room in the elementary school. I have this white board in my room that is not magnetic so I treat it more as a bulletin board. This year it is all about color.

Last year I put red duct tape on the shades. The shades in most of the rooms are in pretty bad shape. I keep mine at the same level all year long because it is so hard to get them up and down. In this corner I have drawing books and stencils for students to use when they have extra time.

The Word Tree
This is new for me. Trying to include vocabulary visually.

Sink area and supply shelves. One thing I wish I had is a closet. All of my shelves are open. The bulletin board is where I post what artists we are studying in each grade.

Have a rug area in my room and lots of books for lesson plans and student use. The birds on the window are for incentive. Each time the class has a good session the bird moves. When it gets to the end of the windows they will have a special art day.

I never have enough wall space for everything so my chalk board holds quite a few things: elements of art and principles of design, current element-shape, discipline posters. Keep forgetting to get a longer extension cord for my desk. Didn't take picture of my desk because it has already started to contain piles. Looking for ideas of how to store artwork that is in process. 

1 comment:

  1. My classroom was situated so that sun aimed right for kids eyes, so I frequently pulled my shades down. So I did something fun to one of my shades. Check it out here:
