Friday, October 1, 2010

5th Grade Photography Project

Ta-daaaa!  This project that my 5th graders have accomplished I am so proud of.  They have worked very hard with great results.  The first part of the project is the photography.  They are taught how to use the cameras and are introduced to Ansel Adams.  From there they learn how to create a drawing of their photo using a grid.  Students were taught how to use colored pencils in layers to create shading over their grid drawing.  The last part of the project is to create a Matisse style cut paper piece inspired by the photo.  All of this was started with taking a closer look at God's creation and asking the question "What is art?"  So the final thing students were responsible for was to answer that question in writing.  I will post some of their answers next week.

1 comment:

  1. I love all the different interpretations of nature. What a cool idea!!!
