Sunday, October 3, 2010

Beginner Art Journaling

What is art journaling?  It is the freedom to make mistakes, try new things, express yourself and have fun.  Anybody can do this!  Join me for a journey into Art Journaling.  Journaling isn't just words.  Sometimes we don't need words, just an image says it all.  Either way you can learn the following techniques to incorporate into your own personal journal:  design transfer, paint overs, drawing, rubber stamps, building layers, altered photography and painting with watercolors and acrylics.  We will work in a pre-made journal and create one of your own.  When you complete this class you will have 2 journals started and the skills to complete them on your own.  High School students and above are welcome to take this course.  Materials are included, but you may want to bring personal items to add.
If you live in northern NJ and are interested in this class please e-mail me at:  The cost is $110-

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